Sunday, December 6, 2009

Starbucks on Facebook

OK, so I want to end my blog by mentioning the popularity of Starbucks on Facebook. I became a member of Starbucks Facebook group when I started my blog.

Few minutes ago I checked again the number of members that join this group: 5,158,393 fans. Wow.. There is something new posted on the group every day. It can be information about a new product, event, sales promotion, deal or a "Happy Holiday" message. No matter what it is posted, there are around few hundred comments every day, and few thousand "likes" every day...Isn't that crazy?

Yes, Starbucks is a worldwide company that gained the hearts and pockets of their customers. It is amazing to witness all of this process, to watch how big companies are expending and surviving even during a recession.
The way Starbucks does business made me choose this company for my marketing assignment, not necessarily their product. The way they keep selling coffee at a high price, even though MC Donald's is screaming that they offer espresso for half price.
Starbucks listens to its customers. The consumers have the opportunity to speak up, to share their opinions, complains or satisfaction. I think this is an important factor in Starbucks success.

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